Friday, February 20, 2009

Don't put bleach in the Corals!!!

Ever seen the picture of coral reef?

The rainbow of colors found under the sea is simply magical. Regrettable, the colors are being bleached out of corals.

Over the past 200 years, our oceans have absorbed about half of CO2 emission that are in the atmosphere from the burning of fossil fuels. An enormous amount, which proves how important the oceans are to natural carbon cycle. The oceans also absorb excess heat & solar radiation from the atmosphere, making the water warmer, thus putting the corals at big-time risk.

The Great Barrier Reef along the northeast coast of Australia suffered two mass coral bleaching events in the summers of 1998 and 2002, and also in the southern GBR in 2006. While most reef areas recovered with relatively low levels of coral death, some locations suffered severe damage, with up to 90% of corals killed. Based on IPCC 2007 assessment, coral reefs will be highly suspecptible to increase and more frequent bleaching events with the additional problem of acidification from increase carbon dioxides within the next twenty to thirty years." source Wikipedia.

It is believed that warm waters have damaged the coral reefs mostly in the Indian Ocean.

Click here & be counted

Keep these corals alive, because we don't want to show pictures of corals to our grand-children to tell them what corals were. Let them go touch & feel the ocean reef.

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